5 Ways to Make a House a Home

Woman with dog in a new home in Austin.

We have all heard the saying home is where your heart is. While this phrase is trite, it is true. A home isn’t just about what paint colors you chose or what kind of couch you purchase. While design elements are important, it’s the people and special items that go into your house that take it from being a dwelling unit to your home. So, if you are feeling unsettled and struggling with how to make a house a home, that is normal. Remember a home is made and that takes time, work and patience. And while it may look different for everyone, the desire to find a place that feels like home is universal. Here are five ideas to get you started on your journey to make a house a home. 

1. Tell a Story

Your home is supposed to be a reflection of you so use your space to tell your story. Don’t focus on everything matching or being cookie-cutter. Display items that reflect who you are and what you love. There is the saying “everything is bigger in Texas.” Don’t be afraid to apply that to your house (metaphorically speaking). Go bold. Show off who you are and let your home be your autobiography. Display items like your favorite books, items you collect, and mementos from your travels.

2. Cover Your Floors

While this sounds like an unusual way to make a house a home, think about the feeling you get when you move out of a home and all that is left are the bare floors. The sound echoes and the room feels cold and sterile. Covering floors and bringing in textiles once you have moved in, absorbs sounds, bringing in warmth and making your home feel lived-in. It doesn’t matter what you use, as long as you love what you use. Lay down your mom’s vintage latch-hook rug from the 70s or sew your own DIY rag rug. No matter what you end up covering your floors with, it’s a great way to make any room feel cozy.

3. Bring the Outdoors In

Adding greenery is an easy way to “spruce up” your home. In addition to being visually pleasing, indoor plants naturally purify the air around us, combatting potentially harmful compounds polluting a home. Fresh blooms also have the ability to reduce stress, improve concentration, and boost your mood. Bring in plants that require partial sun and can be grown well in shade, like a prayer plant. For areas of the house that receive a lot of sun, something like a yucca plant, a native to Austin, would do beautifully. Don’t let your lack of a green thumb scare you off. Plants like kalanchoes and philodendrons are set-it-and-forget-it types.

4. Add Warmth

You can add a lot of warmth to your home by adding small touches that make your space feel lived in. Place your favorite candles throughout the house using scents to inspire a sense of calm.

Set out blankets, displaying these either in a basket, or draping them over a ladder. Pick blankets soft and snuggle-worthy. A cozy blanket is an invitation to sit down and relax.

Replacing overhead lights will immediately make your home feel warm and homier. Doing this allows you to personalize and determine what kind of lights really make your room work. Change out overhead lights with a chandelier you love and add soft lower lighting like lamps to tabletops. Install a dimmer to adjust the lights to fit your mood.

When possible, bring in natural light by choosing window fixtures that are easily opened or curtains that let light in. In rooms that are sunny most of the day, opt to leave lights off, opening windows and curtains instead.

5. Fill Empty Walls 

Art doesn’t have to be expensive or elitist. Use your walls to hang art you love, pieces that mean something to you. This could be anything from baskets you have collected over the years, vintage mirrors, family photographs, or an oil painting you find moving. Adding pieces you have curated customizes your home and adds uniqueness. The more you surround yourself with items you love, the more your house will feel like your home. If you aren’t sure where to start, pinterest has some great ideas. Or make a list of things you love to look at and give you a sense of calm. Hanging items like this will give them a whole new meaning and shape the feel of your home.

Home at Lakeside at Tessera

It is easy to feel at home when you live at Lakeside at Tessera. Offering a wide range of amenities and beautiful homes you can customize, Lakeside is a great option for everyone. Call us today to schedule your tour.

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